"Approximately two girls in Gashora village get pregnant and drop out of school each month. I was perplexed and bothered by that statistic and went to talk to some girls from the neighboring schools. As I talked to Erica, I started understanding the root cause of their problems: without any avenues to cover their school fees, girls in their schools would exchange sexual favors to men for money and without proper sexual education, the girls would subsequently get pregnant and/or get STDs. Not only this, but these young beautiful girls were also sexually assaulted and lived with this fear for a long time. Saddened by this situation, Natasha and I started a nonprofit organization with a mission to join hands with other girls in our community by taking each others’ problems to our hearts and minds. This is how the “Hands and hearts'' organization was born. We raise tuition funds every year for fifty girls in secondary schools and hold sex education workshops every Friday to discuss different methods of contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and self-defense tactics. As we worked with these girls, we hoped that we could allow them to be the authors of their own stories instead of victims of their environment."
- Anonymous